Sumayyah Perine

{ Web Developer }

About Me

Hey there! I'm Sumayyah, and I'm a Web Developer.

How did I get into web development? One day I had an ephihany that I should learn how to code. So, I decided to delve into programming head first by attending a web development intensive program. It's more than just a career and hobby, I truly love it. I am extremely passionate about web development and I love clean web design.

I have a fascination with front end development and a deep appreciation for back end development. I code in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, JavaScript, JSON and jQuery, as well as Ruby on Rails and RSPEC. My goal for the near future is to become quite friendly with AngularJS, ReactJS and Node.js.

And I'm also available for any project, so feel free to get in touch with me.




Time Management

Web Design

Web Development


A personal vision board application to help users keep track of their life goals.
A web application that suggests podcasts for users based on their commute, method of transportation and travel distance.
An applicaction to chronicle one's notes, ideas, thoughts and so much more.
5 o'Clock
TBD... A web application that displays establishments with happy hours with proximity.

Contact Me

Want to work together? Looking for a Developer? Are you a fan of Netflix, The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones?

Let's connect!

Email Me | Github | LinkedIn | Resume